Posts tagged with "#trading"

Learn to recognize the 6 key price patterns in trading
Trading psychology · November 30, 2021
Learn to recognize the 6 essential price patterns in trading. The cupt with handle, the flat base, the double bottom, the cup without handle, the resistance line breakout.

Risk management in trading
Risk management in trading · September 21, 2021
If you want to succeed in trading you must definitely know what risk management is. Both managing risk per trade and volatility on open positions

Can we make a living from trading?
The trading universe · August 27, 2021
This is a particularly interesting question that I am asked regularly during my coaching sessions and to which I am going to try to give an answer. Interesesting, not for its relevance (my apologies to those who asked this question I must have asked myself a while ago) but rather for the paradoxes about trading it raises. First, let's try to give a precise answer. There are many ways to make a living from trading. Work in an hedge fund but you will have to apply a specific strategy and you...

The 7 deadly sins in trading
The trading universe · July 15, 2021
Understand the most common mistakes traders make. 1-You think that trading is EASY 2-You don't cut your losses and take gains too early 3-You believe that you have an advantage without measuring it 4-You want to be right 5-You don't understand that trading is all about probabilities 6-You underestimate the amount of work required 7-You believe that finding a winning strategy is enough...

A trading paradox...
Trading psychology · June 25, 2021
Make no mistake: we all go to the markets to make money, to be part of the 5% of winning trades that take from the 90% of losing losers the money they leave on the table, out of ignorance, for lack of preparation or for many other reasons.

The essence of every profitable trading strategy
The trading universe · May 27, 2021
What are the ingredients of a consistently profitable trading system? 1-Risk management or how to avoid the risk of ruin 2-The expectation of gain 3-Reason in terms of probabilities 4-The importance of volumes 5-The pivot point 6-Moving averages 7-The fundamentals 8-Deal with the market trend 9-Psychology

Apprendre à reconnaître les 6 séquences prix/volumes incontournables en trading
Stratégie d'entrée · April 14, 2021
Apprenez à reconnaître les principales structures de prix gagnantes en trading.

Les composantes d’une stratégie de trading gagnante
L’univers du trading · April 09, 2021
Quels sont les ingrédients d'un système de trading régulièrement profitable? 1-La gestion du risque ou comment éviter le risque de ruine 2-L’espérance de gain 3-Raisonner en terme de probabilités 4-L’importance des volumes 5-Le point pivot 6-Les moyennes mobiles 7-Les fondamentaux 8-Traiter avec la tendance du marché 9-La psychologie

Comment (bien) se former au trading?
Formation · August 23, 2020
Bien se former au trading est une nécessité pour acquérir les bons réflexes. Il est essentiel de se rapprocher d'un professionnel des marchés qui vous apprendra nous seulement à développer les compétences techniques pour devenir un trader régulièrement performant mais aussi la bonne attitude pour réussir.

Comprendre les principales stratégies de sortie en trading
Stratégie de sortie · June 09, 2020
La stratégie de sortie en trading est largement sous-estimée et néanmoins primordiale. Apprendre les différentes approches et techiques de sorties d'un trade est nécessaire pour devenir un trader performant. Il existe gloabalement deux grandes approches de sortie en trading: l'approche systèmatique et l'appoche discrétionnaire et la technique de sortie sur force ou sur faiblesse.